Rugvista Designkonkurranse!


Lazy Days av Lisa Rockall



This piece represents the lazy, joyful days of summer sun. The chosen colours are soothing and calming, representing sunshine, water, grass, and red skies at night. The triangles represent mountains and the whole piece can be associated with travel.

Om Lisa Rockall

Lisa Rockall is an Illustrator who graduated at Liverpool John Moores University. She is inspired by the wonders of the outdoors, and loves collecting shells on the beach and going on forest walks.

Lisa has a love of paper, which is her main chosen medium. She creates 2D paper cut-outs which are suspended, and photographed or collaged. Lisa also creates 3D objects made from paper and cardboard. Inspired by details in every day objects, she embellishes her creations with beads and shows attention to small detail.

Lisa has worked for clients including Hallmark and Nescafe.

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