Rugvista Designkonkurranse!


Particle av Saeed Masoodnia



In this painting I just wanted to set up a free composition with colors. I don’t want to affect anybody with weird translations from what I’ve done. I believe art is about feeling and emotions and good art is created with good feeling and emotions while doing it. Having fun and feeling nice when you’re making art is what makes the job lovely. Every piece of artwork can have at least one lover, and that’s the artist itself. It’s like planting the seed of love that grow someday unknown.

Om Saeed Masoodnia

My name is Saeed Masoodnia. I was born in 1987 in Mashhad, Iran. I always was so passionate about drawing, painting and designing things and I always wanted to come up with new things that others have not. So it’s clear for me and I expect more negative opinions than other repetitive designs I see everyday. That’s a good sign for me. It shows me I’m on the right direction. It helps to improve myself and putting myself in experiencing, trying, learning, and making new things. And I always repeat this to myself: “Never stop advancing”. I Will Not.
سعید مسعودنیا هستم. متولد مشهد سال 1366 در ایران هستم. همیشه عاشق طراحی، نقاشی و دیزاین چیزهای مختلف بودم و دوست داشتم تا همیشه در کارهام به نتایجی برسم که جدید باشه و مشابه نداشته باشه. و این خیلی واضحه که با انجام همچین کاری انتظار میره تا دیدگاه های منفی بیشتری نسبت به بقیه داشته باشم که این واسه من نشونه ی خوبیه و بهم نشون میده که در مسیر درست دارم حرکت میکنم. این به من کمک میکنه تا خودم رو ارتقاء بدم و در مسیر تجربه کردن، تلاش کردن، یاد گرفتن و ساختن چیزهای جدید قرار بگیرم. و همیشه این رو با خودم تکرار میکنم که: "هیچ وقت در پیشرفت کردن توقف نکن".

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