Rugvista Designkonkurranse!


Heart for Natural av I Chieh Lee

United States

United States

Amazement is always around us, whether you know it or not. If you simply slow down your paces and smell the roses, you will be surprised with all the wonders in our lives. All it takes is holding up your head, you might see a tree of loving heart around the corner.

Om I Chieh Lee

Jaleen Lee is passionate about design. She is a Graphic & Web designer thrives to deliver messages that communicate in style, and is able to blend modern production techniques with vivid ideas to craft eye-catching projects for both traditional and interactive communications. She respects different perspective and believes ideas can be presented in many different ways. To her, design has no boundaries and with every job, she integrates her design skill and people's preferences because she aims to design with your vision in mind.

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